ACLM announces publication of 23-article special issue of Frontiers in Nutrition on food as medicine.
ACLM Welcome's new President Padmaja Patel, MD, DipABLM, FACLM at LM2024, ACLM's annual Lifestyle Medicine Conference that was held in Orlando, Florida.
This 3-hour CME/CE course offers a comprehensive exploration of how food can be utilized as medicine in the treatment and potential remission of type 2 diabetes and reversal of insulin resistance.
ACLM Board Member Alka Gupta, MD, DipABLM, and one of her patients, presented as part of congressional educational briefing held last week on Capitol Hill—a two-part briefing for both the House of Representatives and Senate. The Food is Medicine Institute hosted the briefing on the topic of GLP-1 agonists and food is medicine, emphasizing the vital need for lifestyle medicine, including FAM, to be included as part of all GLP-1 treatment protocols.
ACLM and the Kentucky Medical Association (KMA) announce partnership encouraging members of the KMA to engage in the free Essentials course bundle to expand lifestyle medicine education in medical associations. If you’re part of a state medical association or state specialty society, join the KMA in issuing an ACLM Essentials challenge! Contact ACLM Marketing Manager Laura Cox for details at
Disrupting the status quo requires a united effort of purpose, passion-driven individuals and organizations—thank you to our Lifestyle Medicine Champions whose philanthropic support is advancing ACLM’s vision, mission and message.
New Publication - Lifestyle Medicine in Medical Education: Maximizing Impact. This article, published by ACLM members in Mayo Clinic Proceedings: Innovations, Quality & Outcomes, serves as a “call to action” to incorporate LM across the spectrum of medical education curricula and training. Read and share with colleagues!
ACLM's first clinical practice guideline (CPG), titled "Lifestyle Interventions for Treatment and Remission of Type 2 Diabetes and Prediabetes in Adults" was published. The guideline development committee includes 21 experts, 6 of whom are internal ACLM individuals, and 15 of whom are designated representatives from external stakeholder groups. The committee met in-person and engaged in exciting discussion as part of drafting the guideline. The committee developed 14 draft statements and we look forward to continuing this process, with a target end date of December 2024 for submission to the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine.
Met with the Association for Clinicians of the Underserved (ACU) Executive Director to discuss partnership opportunities to advance ACLM’s National Training Initiative with FQHCs.
Met with quality improvement representatives of Health Choice Network to share more about Essentials as a tool to help improve quality measures for FQHC patients.
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