Founded in 2004, the American College of Lifestyle Medicine (ACLM) is the medical professional society for physicians and other professionals dedicated to clinical and worksite practice of lifestyle medicine as the foundation of a transformed and sustainable health care system. Practice involves the use of evidence-based therapeutic approaches, such as eating a predominantly whole food, plant-based diet, getting regular physical activity, adequate sleep, managing stress, avoiding use of risky substances and pursuing other non-drug modalities, to treat, reverse, and prevent chronic disease.
ACLM educates, equips, empowers and supports its members as they provide evidence-based lifestyle medicine as the first treatment option in clinical practice and worksite settings through live and online CME-accredited events and educational offerings, certification, clinical practice tools, patient education resources, economic research, networking opportunities and advocacy efforts. Today, ACLM has more than 9,000 members—and growing—across the world on every continent with 28 international Lifestyle Medicine organizations represented by ACLM’s Lifestyle Medicine Global Alliance. Lifestyle Medicine is one of the fastest growing career fields of medicine globally and holds the promise for true health reform as it addresses the root-cause of chronic illness.
Vision Statement: A world wherein lifestyle medicine is the foundation of health and all health care.
Mission Statement: Advancing evidenced-based lifestyle medicine to treat, reverse, and prevent non-communicable, chronic disease.
Position Statement: The American College of Lifestyle Medicine is a galvanizing force for change. ACLM addresses the need for quality, evidence-based education and certification as well as advocates for its members in their individual practices and in their collective mission to nationally and globally promote Lifestyle Medicine as the first and optimal treatment option. ACLM members are united in their desire to eradicate the root causes of chronic disease. Rather than disease management, lifestyle medicine clinicians specialize in health restoration."